Monday 11 November 2013

FBI lifestyle plan has changed my life

As a self confessed diet junkie over the years I've longed to find a way I can enjoy my food, my wine, my treats and stay within a weight/body size that I feel comfortable with. At 5,8 I can carry a few pounds quite well and that's always been my excuse. For a few years I found a great balance... Running! I could run a few times a week and eat 'well'. I kept my weight between 150-160 lbs and a size 12-14. I was toned and fairly happy (not truly but that is impossible) then boom... Master Cole arrived and with him my whole lifestyle had to change considerably. No time for me, no time for the gym, no energy to run, no urge to eat healthy! So along with the 60lbs I managed to pack on during the pregnancy my body was not my friend.
Like all major life changes I started to adapt to being a full time working mum, trying to balance the needs of my family v's myself. Routine and no more excuses. I commited to home exercise. The Shred and Davina's DVD's are as good as any gym session. I would run when I could.. Not necessarily every day or week but when I could I would. The weight started to come off. Slowly but surely. My most profound discovery was the FBI plan. An intermittent fasting eating plan. A mix of 2 days limited calories based on your height, weight and activity levels, 3 days Balancing, eating healthy legitimate low fat foods. Lots of lean meat, fruit and veg and then 2 Indulgent days! Yep indulge in the foods and drinks you WANT. Sounded promising so in March this year I started. My first fast day was a shock to the system, but not impossible. I was allowed 600 cals of anything at anytime but not a calorie over. I found myself drinking lots of water to help the slight hunger pangs. I went to bed early as I was thinking about food. So my first fast was successful in the fact I was hydrated and slept 9hrs.. I followed with a balance day. Full day of good yummy foods. Another B day and another fast then my weigh in. 5lbs lighter!!! Not only that but I was now having 2 indulge days. Guilt free eating no calorie counting. I was slightly dubious. Surely this would put back my 5lbs? But I enjoyed them. Wine, some chocolate and a takeout. Continued week 2 with the same, FBBF and again another 2lb off! Half a stone in 2 weeks and I felt great. I had more energy, my skin glowed and so I've continued. In total by may I lost 18lb and hit my first target of 10st 12lb and a size 12. My entire body shape changed. While on holidays or on a break I come off plan. I may put a few lbs back on but then I start again and have maintained for over 6 months now
So many of my posts will feature my fav FBI recipes and creations! 
My 280 calorie dinner!
Me and the husband! Both FBI diet followers 

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